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Every life is a story. Every story has characters large and small. In times of great upheaval, the greatest may be told. What story will you tell? 

The peoples of the world fight for their place and new kingdoms have grown. New orders have been formed and old prejudices have inflamed. As the old story goes, mistakes will repeat themselves if we do not learn. Time acts unkind and much that should never have been forgotten has been lost. Will the world see a second fall before it has even begun to walk?

The Archmage at the Corritation of Lord Wright

The world of Joreinur upon the fall of the last great kingdom.

How it fell is a story left to the ages. Some say it was the ineptitude of leaders. Books tell story of the fracturing of an empire buckling under the weight of the different needs of many peoples. A neat narrative that fits all too well at the time of writing. The records of those that could tell truth burned with those that wrote them. But as is often the case with change, change feels like progress and progress feels like growth. But a growing thorn is far from a budding flower with only time able to see the result. The people of the world rejoiced for the new freedom they found. But the thorn grew. Independence led to chaos. Chaos led to death. Death led to the stirring of a dark presence. Some believed the presence be evil itself. Others believed it an ancient enemy long forgotten since the fall. Those that knew of it, know it to be much worse. The earth now reclaimed the land and long hidden the past. The land cares not for the encroachment of empires nor does time forgive the forgetful.

  • From the Incomplete History of the World (author unknown)